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The FA will raise awareness and provide opportunities for people to get involved with volunteering within their local communities.

This will be done via the organisation's recently launched BT Playmaker scheme. This free online course will help train volunteers for community football clubs and is available to anyone over the age of 14 who is interested in volunteering in grassroots football.
Paul Findlay MBE, National Volunteering Manager at the Grassroots Division of the FA Group says: “Grassroots football is a huge part of so many communities and is completely reliant on volunteers. The FA wants to encourage people to get involved and BT Playmaker has been launched to do just this.
“There is clearly great synergy between the Good for Me Good for FE campaign and BT Playmaker. Our online course covers how to get involved in the game as a volunteer; what it takes to create a fun session; how to connect with players and how to keep football safe for all. It also gives access to a range of free resources.
“We are delighted to be involved as a partner with the FE community.
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